Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Santiago City

Hi, today my work-home is about my city: Santiago. I don´t like cities, but I know that the city have a lot the wonderful places.

I study Theory and history arts when I like the museum and the old architecture, and Santiago have any places with the mix between museum and old architecture. My city was divided in 52 areas, but my favorite area is de central town, because in the central Santiago I can look different architecture, and discover forms and artistic Chileans styles. In the corner between Monjitas st and Estado st there is a big built, build in 1920 by krauss. The krauss’s  built is nouvo art, this style artist represent the new era for the word, because this style born in French with the modernization. Santiago have some modern buildings like the built of Fines Arts Museum is nouvo art style, and is projected by Emile Jequer between 1909-10 for the centenary of Chile. In from of the Fines Arts Museum is located the Forestal Park, a large park created for the same date. The Museum of Fine Arts is close to the Lastarria neighborhood and the  Bellavista neighborhood, these two are known for their cultural and night life. In Lastarria, my favorite place is “Lastarria 90” that is a theaters where present works by youngs directors, and opposite there is a restaurant very cheap called. In Bellavista can visit teathers, nightclubs  and coffes, but I think that the most important characteristic of Bellavista is the San Cristobal hill, which is located at the end of Pio Nono Street. On the hill there is a zoo, a old funicular and a virgin in the top of the hill, from the Virgin can be seen Santiago and discover that life in the city is not so bad. 

1 comment:

  1. Jorge,

    Word count: 300. Excellent. Good view about Santiago. You should be much more careful with your English when you write. Please,check AND CORRECT the following obs.,

    Hi, today my (work-home) is about my city:

    that the city (have) a lot the wonderful places.

    (when) I like the museum and (the) old architecture, and Santiago (have) Many places

    my favorite area is (de) central town,

    (In) the corner (between) Monjitas st and Estado st there is a big (built, build) in 1920 by (krauss)

    (The krauss’s built is) nouvo art, (this style artist represent) the new era for the (word), because this style (born in French)

    Santiago (have) some modern buildings (like the built) of Fines Arts Museum is nouvo art style, and (is) projected by Emile Jequer

    In (from of) the Fines Arts Museum

    created (for) the same date.

    that is a (theaters) where (present works by youngs directors)

    and opposite there is a (restaurant very cheap) called (what???)

    In Bellavista can visit (teathers), nightclubs and (coffes) (who???)

    (a) old funicular

    Best Regards,

